Bad Blogger
Hahaha so I've been a bad blogger and not posting. However, I truly have not had the time to sit down. This one will be short because I have a meeting to run in a bit. Today has been quite long and I anticipate Thursday being long again. On a high note though I think I'm heading up to PHX again at around noon so I'll beat all the rush hours. I'm excited for Seattle. I got some warm clothes while shopping in PHX after Thanksgiving so that's nice. Thanksgiving was also really nice and I got to eat lots of good food. That's always a high note. Even better, I got to do all my laundry for free. It's one of the greatest gifts you can give a college student - free laundry. I'm getting anxious for law school results. Everyone keeps asking where I'm going and that does not help with the stress level. I already am stressed enough without having to say "I don't know" all the time. Okay time to go watch some TV before my meeting. I heart NCIS.
Signing off.....for a few days
Though I have just started I will be gone for a few days. I'm leaving tomorrow right after work for Phoenix for Turkey Day and will be back over the weekend. I got a postcard from Seattle telling me they requested the LSDAS report and a letter from Valpo thanking me for applying. Also, I E-mailed the guy I talked to at the law fair from Valpo as he asked and he E-mailed me back saying he was "excited to read my application." I love the standard responses. I got a mailer from Rutgers @ Camden. I'm glad I decided not to apply there though after the new crime rankings. They beat Detroit for the second year running. Hopefully Newark won't be that bad *crosses fingers*. Okay well I'm off to watch some NCIS and then hit the sack. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving to my non-existent readers :)
Feeling Domesticated

So today was actually semi-productive. The co-worker didn't even call about going to see Harry Potter (quite disappointing). However, I am going tomorrow night with a friend assuming I'm not dying after spending a day at school. I got most of my paper for my American Presidency class edited. I caught up on making note cards to study for my Federalism final too. I felt like Jamie was my sick kid today. I made her lunch and dinner (me making 2 meals at home in the same day is a total rarity). We also watched Noel which is possibly the worst Christmas movie ever. I don't recommend it. Ehhh, I don't want to go to school tomorrow. On a high note my 3:30 class is cancelled which will make the day nice. Okay off to sleep.
Still sick
So this morning I was feeling better. Then I had to go to work for 5 and a half hours. It's like 68 where I work plus everybody was coming in for our samples (the mall had a special event). We were busy and I was sick. I spread the holiday cheer of a cold to lots of people probably. I feel bad for them. Now I feel sick again too and my nose is running worse than ever. Where does all this snot come from? I feel like I've disposed of my own weight in snot in the past 3 days. Eww!
Best Friends

So that is me and Jamie at 4th of July. I like that we're holding hands and cuddling like a couple (though we're not).
College is so great for making friends. Given Jamie (she gets red because though you can't tell in the picture we're both redheads) and I have known each other since 5th grade when I moved to Arizona. We were good friends until high school. During high school we each kind of went our own ways. Senior year of high school we had government & economics together and realized we were both headed to UA for school. Freshman year we ended up hanging out a bit and by sophomore year we were taking lots of classes together. Junior year we spent more time at each other's houses and together than apart. So naturally we moved in together this year. It's been really nice. Probably a very good thing too since I probably wouldn't see her half as much because we're both so busy. Though being sick has sucked it's been decent because it's invovled us, 2 couches, and lots of chick flicks. Moving across the country is scary enough in itself, but what's more scary is moving away from Jamie. For the past four years she's been my built in support system and I don't know how I'll deal with the stress of being a 1L without her. I guess I better get a cell phone plan with a million minutes. We live together and still use quite a few cell minutes talking to each other.
That would be AJ and I on Halloween during Freshman year. When I first met AJ I though

Another excellent friend of mine is Andrea, also known as AJ sometimes. This is the girl that got m

Who knew that such random people would end up making such a big impact on your lives? It really can be amazing how much somebody can make an impact on your life. A great ex

Ian is a totally different story. I've known him since I was 5. We gre

Okay I suppose I am done rambling for the most part for the evening. There really are a lot more people who could end up being talked about on here. I'm sure in the future they will be. This has been more like the character development of a book. These are the people who will end up being talked about a lot, I'm sure. Not that there's a ton (or anyone) who probably reads this but it may be helpful to underst
I officially hate being sick. It's miserable and you get nothing done, except catching up on movies. Since Jamie is sick we just stayed home and watched movies all last night. So much for the fun weekend. It's probably for the best anyway. Though we did go and get food from Bianchi's (a local Italian place) last night which made the night a bit better.
I got an E-mail from William and Mary yesterday informing me my application was complete (or received, I don't remember now). Since they're not a rolling admissions place decision letters won't be sent out until April 1. That seems so freakin' far away. They're kind of a dream school so I plan to get rejected from there anyway. By the time I hear from them I probably will have already decided where I'm going. I got "Post Card #1" from UA telling me they have requested my LSDAS transcript and they didn't check that anything was missing. Also, Roger Williams sent me a letter saying they were excited I chose to apply to their school and to look for more mail from them. They managed to spell my name wrong though. With how many different times I had to write my name on various pieces of paper, you'd think they'd be able to get it right. Oh well, guess I'll have to correct them if I get accepted there.
Time to go lay down again. The computer is making my head hurt (along with all the cloggage in my head).
I got an E-mail from William and Mary yesterday informing me my application was complete (or received, I don't remember now). Since they're not a rolling admissions place decision letters won't be sent out until April 1. That seems so freakin' far away. They're kind of a dream school so I plan to get rejected from there anyway. By the time I hear from them I probably will have already decided where I'm going. I got "Post Card #1" from UA telling me they have requested my LSDAS transcript and they didn't check that anything was missing. Also, Roger Williams sent me a letter saying they were excited I chose to apply to their school and to look for more mail from them. They managed to spell my name wrong though. With how many different times I had to write my name on various pieces of paper, you'd think they'd be able to get it right. Oh well, guess I'll have to correct them if I get accepted there.
Time to go lay down again. The computer is making my head hurt (along with all the cloggage in my head).
Getting Sick

So I am officially getting sick. Jamie (my best friend and roommate) was getting sick a few days ago so it was inevitable. My throat has started to hurt. However, that did not stop me from having some fun tonight. A few of us girls went to Laff's, a local comedy club. I took some NyQuill a bit ago so I'm sure quite soon I will be crawling into my bed and passing out. This weekend is a busy one (with mostly social stuff) so I'm not looking forward to being sick. Note the fact that I'm sick won't stop me from going out and having fun. I'm a senior in college, it only happens once.
Today I got an E-mail from Rutgers at Newark telling me my application was complete. They'll be reviewing it and it can take up to 6-8 weeks to get a decision. I'm excited and terrified at the same time. It's one of my top choice schools so I really don't want to get rejected. I guess it's just a game of waiting and not flipping out now. All of the schools I've applied to, excpet U of A, have my application and LSDAS report. I'm also going to Seattle December 2 & 3 to look at the law school there. I've never been to the Northwest so I'm really excited.
Okay well as much as I would like to write more (and planned to) that NyQuill is kicking in and I'm afraid the coherence level will decrease rapidly.
P.S. Please excuse any spelling errors - the spell check keeps taking forever and I get impatient and decide not to use it. I will try to avoid any awful ones so you can at least figure out what in the world I may be rambling about :)

Starting Out

The makeup is funky but it was a fun night.
So a bit about me. I'm applying to law schools and getting ready to start a whole new chapter of my life. I'm hoping this will give me a place to vent and maybe other kids will read this and realize they're not the only ones totally stressed out and feeling a bit lost at times. The applications got sent out last Wednesday (11/09). I'm hoping to know where I'm going by the time I walk for graduation. I will have heard from all the schools by then, it's just a matter of making up my mind. My rankings of the law schools I applied to are below and frequently subject to change:
1) William and Mary (VA)
2) Seton Hall (NJ)
3) Rutgers at Newark (NJ)
4) Seattle University (WA)
5) University of Oregon (OR)
6) University of Arizona (AZ)
7) Roger Williams (RI)
8) Valpo (IN)
7 & 8 are quite interchangable. They're really more back-ups I hope. William and Mary is my top choice but I really don't think I have a great chance at getting in. If you want to know more about the application process or whatever let me know. I'm debating posting my personal statement. It's quite personal though (go figure) so we will see.
Law school is my first really big decision ever. For undergrad I applied to just UA and ASU. Boht instate colleges where I had unconditional admissions. Both offered me the same scholarships. The only difference was ASU admitted me to their Honor's College. However, I decided on UA. My Mom works about 15 minutes from ASU so I knew I'd never really "grow up and move on" if I stayed that close. It's been a good expereince so far even though I almost talked myself out of going. More sometime soon I'm sure - I have a test at 9:30 in the morning so I probably should get to bed! If you read this and have suggestions about what you want to hear about let me know, otherwise I will result to rambling about my day and school.

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