So I am officially getting sick. Jamie (my best friend and roommate) was getting sick a few days ago so it was inevitable. My throat has started to hurt. However, that did not stop me from having some fun tonight. A few of us girls went to Laff's, a local comedy club. I took some NyQuill a bit ago so I'm sure quite soon I will be crawling into my bed and passing out. This weekend is a busy one (with mostly social stuff) so I'm not looking forward to being sick. Note the fact that I'm sick won't stop me from going out and having fun. I'm a senior in college, it only happens once.
Today I got an E-mail from Rutgers at Newark telling me my application was complete. They'll be reviewing it and it can take up to 6-8 weeks to get a decision. I'm excited and terrified at the same time. It's one of my top choice schools so I really don't want to get rejected. I guess it's just a game of waiting and not flipping out now. All of the schools I've applied to, excpet U of A, have my application and LSDAS report. I'm also going to Seattle December 2 & 3 to look at the law school there. I've never been to the Northwest so I'm really excited.
Okay well as much as I would like to write more (and planned to) that NyQuill is kicking in and I'm afraid the coherence level will decrease rapidly.
P.S. Please excuse any spelling errors - the spell check keeps taking forever and I get impatient and decide not to use it. I will try to avoid any awful ones so you can at least figure out what in the world I may be rambling about :)

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