Even being single I somehow end up with boy problems. I had a dream last night about an ex. I don't know why except for maybe all the cold medicine I was taking. Either way, to sum it up, he wanted to get back together with me in the dream. When we broke up, it was his decision not mine and I really didn't see it coming. We had been together for a while and it took me a few months to really get over it at all. I'm over it now but at the same time somehow the dream managed to totally upset me. I don't really know why but it did. I had the urge to write a long, rambly E-mail to him like I used to do when we were dating and I missed him or we had fought. However, being wise in my old age I'm writing a blog instead. I guess it just hurt so much because I do miss having him as a friend in my life. I miss having that person who knew everything about me and exactly what to say the second a tear started to form in my eye. *sigh* I think I'm just being all lonely while being sick. I know for sure we're better off not being together. If we had stayed together we'd still be stuck in an immature relationship and we wouldn't have been able to grow the way we have the past 2 years. I never wish we hadn't dated but sometimes I do wish that it had ended a bit more amicably. I can blame myself for letting it end not so well because I was the upset one and the one who had problems dealing with it. Oh well. Time to get ready for work and do some chores that have gone undone due to me being sick.
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