The other day a friend told me when she first met me she was intimidated by me. I could not figure out why for the life of me. I'm 5'4" and not very buff looking. She has a good 4 or 6 inches on me. Why be intimidated by little ole me? Well she informed me that when we met (back in August) and saw me sitting across the room she thought I was very pretty (I should mention that she is 100% straight and this was one of those random conversations friends have). I also knew what I was talking about in the meeting. When she found out she would be working with me she felt uncomfortable. I guess I never realized that about myself. Though many of my friends have told me I'm pretty and such I figured it was one of those things where someone becomes more physically attractive after you know them. To hear it from a girl and one who did not know me, was quite flattering. Knowing someone who has become a close friend and is that honest with me is so nice. Also, since I consider her to be beautiful herself, it was quite a compliment. Its funny how sometimes the most off-handed comments can really make someone's day. Its' kind of changed my perspective a bit. I never thought of myself as put together and attractive but lately I've been receiving lots of compliments. Maybe it's because I finally feel like myself. I know that sounds weird but I think I finally have slipped into my skin. I'm fairly comfortable with who I am. I know where I stand on most topics and I'm not afraid to express my opinion anymore. I have a sense of accomplishment as I'm preparing to graduate in May and head off to law school. Wow. It's so amazing to feel like your own person. What is the best about it is that I've discovered it almost all on my own (with a little help from my friends) and I know when I move to where ever I am going, I will still be me.
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