

Why is it so freakin' hard to keep concentration when you're in law school? In undergrad Jamie and I would sit in Coffee Xchange for hours and do homework. Now I sit in the library and I can't keep my focus for more than like 10 minutes at a time. I wonder if it's possible that law school causes the onset of ADD. I would think it might even cause ADHD but I have no energy ever, so the hyperactivity part of that equation is out.

On another note, I only have 5 classes left of evidence. *YAY* Also, since it's almost the beginning of August all of my friends who have been out of the country & state will be coming back. Not that people haven't been in Seattle all this time, I just haven't had the time to see them. I'm hoping that with no night class in August and just working during the day I'll be able to find time to see people who I haven't seen since the end of finals. I miss my Section B friends!

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